Located in the municipal area of Ses Salines, between the town and Colonia Sant Jordi, near the best beaches on the island such as Estrenc Beach and various coves, in a spectacular environment with plenty of privacy, you will find this comfortable country house with a fertile plot of 15,000sqm containing 50 olive trees and 50 almond trees. This privileged location makes this house an ideal retreat for sports enthusiasts of all kinds. It borders with S'Avall, has piped water, its own water well, connection to the ENDESA electricity grid, a mill where the swimming pool is located, and an annex (formerly the dairy) currently used as a large garage and storage space that could be converted into a bungalow.
The 140sqm house consists of two floors. On the ground floor, there is a spacious living-dining room open to a beautiful porch with lovely views, an open kitchen, a versatile room with independent entrance, and a complete bathroom with shower. The interior staircase leads to the upper floor where there are two double bedrooms, a bathroom, and a large terrace with views. Additionally, access to the first floor is also possible via an external staircase, providing independence. The property features terracotta floors, double glazed windows, two independent electric water heaters, and a water softener.
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198 m2
Plot surface
15,000 m2